When will the DX return? The sun is letting us know.

When been near the bottom of the 11 year solar cycle and DX last year and this year in the 11 meter band has been terrible but there are signs things are making a turn for the better. We’re starting to see sunspots as part of the latest cycle that are leading specialists to believe we’re finally on the upswing.


The peak of the new cycle is predicted to be between 2023 and 2026 so you definitely have a couple of years to get your station in order. As usual the increase in DX will be gradual and the current cycle isn’t predicted to be a particularly strong one (https://www.dx-world.net/solar-cycle-25-to-be-below-average-prediction/), but anything is better than the current dead air we’ve had recently.

Fingers crossed the big orange ball in the sky cooperates!

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